Centre FORGE Afrique

Centre FORGE Afrique




NB: Cette liste n'est pas exhaustive et est régulièrement mise à jour


IMG_8362.JPGVALEA, Aristed B.; NOUFE, Tiatité (2024): "Gender gap in agricultural productivity: evidence from Burkina Faso" in International Journal of Social Economics, 1 August 2024

Dakpoulé DA | PhD in Economics | Economics (Laboratoire d'Economie  Appliquée) | Research profileIMG_1610.JPG DA, Dakpoulé and DIARRA, Mahamadou (2024): "Determinants of fiscal rules policy credibility in West African Economic and Monetary Union countries", in South African Journal of Economics, July 2024

IMG_1610.JPG DIARRA, Mahamadou (2024):"Effets asymétriques du taux de change sur les prix dans l’UEMOA" in Revue économique et monétaire, numéro 35, juin 2024

100+ "Djakaria" profiles | LinkedInIMG_1610.JPG TOU, Djakaria et DIARRA, Mahamadou (2024): "Effet de l'inclusion financière sur l'efficacité de la politique monétaire dans l'UEMOA" in Revue économique et monétaire, numéro 35, juin 2024

OUDANOU, Damghane; OUEDRAOGO, Idrissa; ONDOA, Henri Atangana (2024): "Education and gender (in)equality in wage employment in sub-Saharan Africa" In African Development Review

GANSONRE Soumaïla (2024):"Rainfall variability and welfare of agricultural households: Evidence from rural Niger", in Agricultural Economics, 

IMG_1610.JPG20170803_181254.jpgZONGO, Kirsi; DIARRA, Mahamadou & OUEDRAOGO M. Idrissa (2024): " Effects of foreign direct investment on industrial development in Sub-Saharan Africa: the role of exchange rate misalignment" In Journal of Industrial and Business Economics

BAKOUAN, Pousseni and SAWADOGO, Relwendé (2024): "BioTrade and Income Inequality: Does Frontier Technology Readiness Matter?", in Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, In Press, Journal Pre-proof

IMG_1610.JPG20170803_181254.jpgZONGO, Kirsi; DIARRA, Mahamadou & OUEDRAOGO M. Idrissa (2024): "Effect of exchange rate misalignments on foreign direct investment in Sub-saharan Africa" In SN Business & Economics  Volume 4, article number 59, (2024)


OUEDRAOGO, Idrissa; DIANDA, Issa; OUEDRAOGO, Pegdwende Patrik Roland; OUEDRAOGO, Tiraogo Rodrigue & KONFE, Bassirou (2024):"The Effects of Taxation on Income Inequality in Sub-Saharan Africa" Comparative Economic Studies, Published:


Dr_KINDA.jpg SAWADOGO, Relwendé; SAWADOGO Pegdéwendé Nestor; KINDA, Romuald Somlanaré (2024):"Financial Inclusion, Globalization and Structural Transformation in Developing Countries: A Finite Mixture-of-Regressions Approach" Journal of Economic Integration

COMPAORE Ali & SAWADOGO, Relwendé (2024): "Financial inclusion, household consumption instability and democracy in developing countries: A finite mixture of regressions approach" in The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development 

Dr_SAWADOGO_r.jpgSAWADOGO, Relwendé and OUOBA, Youmanli (2024): "Do natural resources rents reduce income inequality? A finite mixture of regressions approach" in Resources Policy Volume 91, April 2024, 104870

DIANDA, Issa; OUEDRAOGO, Idrissa and SAWADOGO, Hamidou (2024): "Inclusive human development effect of financial inclusion in sub-Saharan Africa: A gender perspective" in Journal of International Development, DOI: 10.1002/jid.3861

ZALLE, Oumarou; BAKOUAN, Pousseni (2024):"Spillover effects of fiscal decentralization on access to basic social services in Burkina Faso" in Growth and Change a journal of urban and regional policy, 07 February 2024, https://doi.org/10.1111/grow.12714

IMG_8362.JPGNOUFE, Tiatité (2024): "Impact of social capital on agricultural productivity of rural households in Burkina Faso: propensity score matching approaches" in International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology,  in press, DOI: 10.1504/IJARGE.2023.10059342


Pr_maiga.jpgBazie, Porto; Thiombiano, Noël & Maiga, Eugénie. W. H. (2024): "Allocating budget in developing countries, the need to fight corruption: evidence from Sub-Saharan African countries", in Future Business Journal volume 10


Bakouan, Pousseni (2023): "La zone de libre-échange continentale africaine peut-elle améliorer l’industrialisation en Afrique de l’ouest ?". Revue économique et monétaire (numéro 34, décembre 2023).


DorisGillandersppPr_maiga.jpgAja-Eke, Doris; Gillanders, Robert; Ouedraogo, Idrissa & Maiga, Windkouni Haoua Eugenie (2023): "Sextortion and corruption" in Applied Economics Letters, 

SIRY,Abdoulaye; OUEDRAOGO, Adama & OUEDRAOGO, Idrissa M. (2023): "Resilience and spillover effects on bank financing for the private sector development in sub-Saharan Africa". SN Bus Econ 3, 214 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s43546-023-00587-1

Dr_KINDA.jpgDr_SAWADOGO_r.jpgKINDA, Somlanare Romuald and SAWADOGO, Relwendé (2023): "Does financial development really spur industrialization in sub-Saharan African countries?" in African Development Review, November, 2023

Diallo, Souleymane; Ouoba, Youmanli (2023):" Financial development and renewable energy deployment in sub-Saharan African countries" in International Journal of Energy Sector Management, November 2023

id.jpgid.jpgOuoba, Youmanli; Belem, Daouda and Sossou, Marius Kouamé (2023): "Environmental and socio-economic effects of industrial gold mining: Evidence from household data in Burkina Faso" in Natural Resources Forum, November, 2023

id.jpgppDIA, Ibrahima; ONDOA, Henri Atangana; OUEDRAOGO, Idrissa (2023): "Does economic freedom foster education in Sub-Saharan Africa ?" Journal of International Development, https://doi.org/10.1002/jid.3848

0.jpegWhatsApp Image 2021-04-23 at 19.16.41.jpegOuédraogo, Rasmané; Sawadogo, Hamidou; Dianda, Issa (2023) "Globalisation, economic growth and quality of infrastructure: New insights", Economic Systems, The world Economy, October 2023

ppDebonheur, Kadagde Dalam; Avom, Désiré; Ouedraogo, Idrissa (2023) "The effect of natural resources rents on human development in selected African countries", Nat Resour Forum. 2023;1–35.

IMG_8362.JPG NOUFE, Tiatité; KY, Habi (2023): "Analysis of the determinants of food insecurity among agricultural households in Burkina Faso" GeoJournal, september 2023

IMG_8362.JPG NOUFE, Tiatité (2023): "Impact of land tenure security through customary law on agricultural productivity in Burkina Faso: Propensity score matching approaches " Land Use Policy, Volume 134, November 2023, 106907

GillandersppPr_maiga.jpgDoris GILLANDERS, Robert; OUEDRAOGO Idrissa; MAIGA, Windkouni Haoua Eugenie & AJA-EKE, Doris (2023): " Police corruption and crime: Evidence from Africa "in Governance, DOI: 10.1111/gove.12822.

bakouanIMG_1610.JPGIMG_9752.JPGBAKOUAN, Pousseni; DIARRA, Mahamadou & OUEDRAOGO, M. Idrissa (2023): "

How Can Tariff Elimination and Trade Facilitation Affect East African Economies?

"in Foreign Trade Review.

Dr_TINTA.jpgEdmond Lankouandé from climateanalytics.orgTinta, Abdoulganiour Almame; Sylla, Ahmed Yves and Lankouandé Edmond (2023): " Solar PV adoption in rural Burkina Faso" Energy Volume 278, Part B, 1 September 2023, 127762


Abel.jpgIMG_9752.JPG TRAORE, Jean Abel and OUEDRAOGO, Idrissa Mohamed (2023): "Impact of Capital-Intensive Informal Sector Policy in Burkina Faso: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis", in Journal of Economics and Development Studies, June 2023, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 85-109

Dr Kirsi ZongoIMG_1610.JPG20170803_181254.jpg Zongo Kirsi; Diarra, Mahamadou & Ouedraogo, M. Idrissa (2023): "Nature du désalignement du taux de change en Afrique sub-saharienne" International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, Rabat Vol. 39, N° 4,  (Jun 2023): 1656-1679.


Dr Kadjatou DakouréIMG_1610.JPG20170803_181254.jpg Dakouré, Kadjatou; Diarra, Mahamadou & Ouedraogo, M. Idrissa (2023): "

Role of the choice of exchange rate regime on real exchange rate misalignments in South Sahara African countries" International Economics and Economic Policy, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10368-023-00568-7  


Dr-zidouemba.jpgDr_KINDA.jpgMember Portrait ZidouembaPatrice Rélouendé; Kinda Romuald Somlanare and Nikiema, Pouirkèta Rita (2023) ''Impacts of agricultural capital subsidies for women in Burkina Faso: Lessons from a Computable General Equilibrium model'', Journal of International Development, https://doi.org/10.1002/jid.3816


Dr_zalle.jpg ZALLE Oumarou (2023) : "Financial inclusion and tax effort in sub-Saharan Africa: the role of institutional quality" Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice DOI: https://doi.org/10.1332/251569121X16817386486785


id.jpgDr Ramde.jpg LO Bassirou ● RAMDE Fousséni ● DIENG Abdou Khadre (2023): "Relation dynamique entre les soldes du compte courant et budgétaire dans l’UEMOA : la prise en compte des changements de régime et des transmissions asymétriques", Revue Economique et Monétaire BCEAO, numéro 33, pp. 40-67


Bouraihima_SawadogoDjiogapppTakpara Sawadogo Bouraima ● Djiogap Constant Fouopi ● Ouedraogo Idrissa ● Takpara Moukaila Mouzamilou (2023): "An empirical assessment of the role of trade in services in export product diversification in Sub-Saharan Africa" Journal of Productivity Analysis, June 2023


Dr Hermann_Ndoyabakouan

 NDOYA Hermann and BAKOUAN Pousseni (2023): "Does Tax Revenue Improve Economic Complexity in Africa?" Journal of Economic Integration, June;38(2) :278-301





 SIRY Abdoulaye and TRAORE Inoussa (2023): "Effects of Insecurity on Inflation in Burkina Faso", in Science Set Journal of Economics Research, vol 2, issue 2, 1-12



Dr_KINDA.jpgMr. Eric Nazindigouba KEREid.jpgKINDA Somlanare Romuald, KERE Nazindigouba Eric, YOGO Urbain Thierry (2022): "Ruée vers les terres et sécurité alimentaire en Afrique subsaharienne" Dans Revue d'économie du développement 2022/2-3 (Vol. 31), pages 51 à 56


Dr_TINTA.jpgTinta, Abdoulganiour Almame (2023): "Education puzzle, financial inclusion, and energy substitution: Growth Scales" Energy Policy, Volume 175, April 2023, 113391


Dr_TINTA.jpg Tinta, Abdoulganiour Almame (2022) : " Energy substitution in Africa: Cross-regional differentiation effects " Energy, Volume 263, Part A, 15 January 2023, 125585


Dr_TINTA.jpg Tinta, Abdoulganiour Almame (2022): "Are more educated people more likely to engage in terrorismApplied Economics 

IMG_8362.JPGNikiema-adama.jpgNOUFE, Tiatité and NIKIEMA, Adama (2022): "Effects of financial inclusion on employability in sub‑Saharan Africa: a fuzzy set theory analysis" SN Bus Econ (2022) 2:196, https://doi.org/10.1007/s43546-022-00378-0

Pr_maiga.jpgMAIGA, E. W. and TRAORE Salimata (2022): "Safeguarding youth from agricultural injury and illness: Perspectives from Burkina Faso" Frontiers in Public Health, https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2022.984988







 MAIGA Ousmane Younoussa (2022): ''Mariages précoces, grossesses précoces et scolarisation des adolescentes'', Revue Internationale des Economistes de Langue Française (RIELF), VoL. 7, N°1


Dr_GANSONREDr Aristed OUEDRAOGOGansonré, Soumaïla & Ouédraogo, Sugrinoma Aristide (2022): "Product market competition and management quality among small and medium-sized enterprises: Evidence from Burkina Faso", International Journal of the Economics of Business DOI: 10.1080/13571516.2022.2088987

Dr_TINTA.jpgIMG_9752.JPGTinta, Abdoulganiour Almame; Ouédraogo, Idrissa Mohamed and Al-Hassan, Ramatu Mahama  (2022) "The micro determinants of financial inclusion and financial resilience in Africa" African Development Review, DOI: 10.1111/1467-8268.12636, Afr Dev Rev. 2022; 34:293–306. 

Dr_zalle.jpgZallé Oumarou (2022) : ''Natural Resource Dependence, Corruption, and Tax Revenue Mobilization'' Journal of Economic Integration, Vol. 37, No. 2, June 2022, 316-336 DOI:https://doi.org/10.11130/jei.2022.37.2.316



IMG_9752.JPGGansonré, Soumaïla; Al-Hassan, Ramatu M.; Ouédraogo, Idrissa M.; Kwadzo, George T.; Onumah, Edward E. (2022) Sustainability and Wealth of Rural Households: Measurement and Inequality Analysis The review of Income Wealth, https://doi.org/10.1111/roiw.12572


Dr Mourfoudialga.jpgIMG_9752.JPG Mourfou, A.; Dialga I et OUEDRAOGO, I. M. (2022) ''Effets de l'exploitation des ressources naturelles sur la mobilisation des recettes fiscales non liées aux ressources naturelles dans l'Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine (UEMOA)'', Afr Dev Rev. 2022 ; 1–13 https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-8268.12635


bakouan.pngdialga.jpgDr-zidouemba.jpgBakouan, Pousseni; Dialga, Issaka; Zidouemba, Patrice Rélouendé (2022) "A Comparative Analysis of the Effects of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement on the Economic Impacts of COVID-19 in North and Southern Africa" Journal of Economic Integration 2022 March;37(1) :121-157. DOI: https://doi.org/10.11130/jei.2022.37.1.121


bakouan.pngIMG_1610.JPGDr_zalle.jpg BAKOUAN Pousseni , DIARRA Mahamadou et ZALLE Oumarou (2021) " EFFETS DE LA CRISE DE COVID-19 SUR LES ECONOMIES EN AFRIQUE DE L’OUEST : UNE EVALUATION QUANTITATIVE EN EQUILIBRE GENERAL CALCULABLE" Revue Economique et Monétaire, numéro 30, Décembre 2021


0.jpegDr_SAWADOGO_r.jpgHamidou SAWADOGO.jpg OUEDRAOGO, Rasmané; SAWADOGO, Relwendé; SAWADOGO, Hamidou (2021): "Access to the banking sector and employment in Africa" The Quarterly Review of Economics and Financ", https://doi.org/10.1016/j.qref.2021.09.009 Volume 82, November 2021, Pages 260-269


Dr_Diallo.pngDIALLO Ibrahima (2021): Règle du ratio d’endettement et croissance économique optimale au Mali : une modélisation ARDL, RETA-Vol11N2

pp.jpgid.jpgjiya-cameroun.jpgOuedraogoIdrissa ; Tabi, Henri NgoaOndoaHenri Atangana JiyaAlex Nester (2021): "Institutional quality and human capital development in Africa", Economic Systemshttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecosys.2021.100937


Dr_zalle.jpgIMG_9752.JPG ZALLE, O and OUEDRAOGO, I. M. (2021):" Spillover effects of corruption and democracy on territorial attractiveness of foreign direct investment in sub-Saharan Africa" African Development Review, https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-8268.12604 


bakouan.pngdialga.jpgIMG_1610.JPGPr_maiga.jpgBakouan, Pousseni.; Dialga I.; Diarra M. et Maiga, E. W. (2021): " La zone de libre échange continentale est-elle un instrument pertinent de mitigation des impacts économiques de la COVID-19 en Afrique centrale?", Dans Bourdabat; Guermazi et NDIAYE: COVID-19: Impacts économiques, sociaux, politiques de riposte et stratégie de résilience, La Francophonie Economique, Chapitre 5, pp. 114-133


Gaucher.jpgdialga.jpgCoralie Vennin.jpg GaucherRenaud ;  Dialga, Issaka  &  Vennin, Coralie (2021) " The indicator of a happy, long and sustainable life", Social Indicators Research 

Dr-zidouemba.jpgZidouembaPatrice Rélouendé, (2021) '' Does agriculture possess the strong linkages necessary to drive industrialization and poverty reduction in Burkina Faso?'', Economics Bulletin, Vol. 41 No. 3 pp. 911-928


dialga.jpg2.thomas vallée.jpgDIALGA, Issaka and VALLEE Thomas (2021): " The index of economic freedom: methodological matters", Studies in Economics and Finance, Volume 38 Issue 3, https://doi.org/10.1108/SEF-07-2015-0181


Dr-zidouemba.jpgMustapha_Sadni_Jallab.jpeg ZidouembaPatrice R. and Jallab Mustapha S. (2021): "  The African Continental Free Trade Area and the trade facilitation agreement: some regional macroeconomic impacts" ;  International Journal of Trade and Global Markets 2021 Vol.14 No.3


IMG_9757.JPGTRAORE, Ousmane (2021): " Convergence in public health expenditure across the Sub-Saharan African countries: does club convergence matter?" Health Economics Review 11:21, https://doi.org/10.1186/s13561-021-00316-0

Dr_TINTA.jpgDr_jean_Sanou.jpg TintaAbdoulganiour Almame et SanouErdjouman Jean (2021): "Les Déterminants des Prêts Non Performants du Système Bancaire de l’UMOA", African Development Review,  https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-8268.12536


 Dr_SAWADOGO_r.jpgSEMEDO.jpgSAWADOGO Relwendé and SEMEDO Gervasio (2021): " Financial inclusion, income inequality, and institutions in sub-Saharan Africa: Identifying cross-country inequality regimes"

dialga.jpg Issaka DIALGA (2021): "Evaluating Normandy's Sustainable Development and Energy Transition Policies, Journal of Cleaner Productionhttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.127096


 pp.jpgWhatsApp Image 2021-04-23 at 19.16.41.jpeg Ouedraogo, Idrissa and Dianda, Issa (2021) : " The synergistic effect of government health spending and institutional quality on health capital accumulation in WAEMU countries, Economics Bulletin, Vol. 41 No. 2 pp. 495-506.


WhatsApp Image 2021-04-23 at 19.16.41.jpegpp.jpgWhatsApp Image 2021-04-23 at 19.16.23.jpeg Dianda, Issa ; Ouedraogo, Idrissa  and Goumbri, Jean de dieu, (2021) "Closing the Gender Gap in Secondary School Enrolment in sub-Saharan Africa: Does women’s political empowerment matter?", Economics Bulletin, Vol. 41 No. 2 pp. 544-55.


Dr_kebre_2.jpg KEBRE, W. J. M. (2021): " Analysis of Aid Absorption in Burkina Faso: Could Donors’ Coordination Play an Effective Role?, Research in Economics and Management, Vol 6, No 1 (2021) DOI: https://doi.org/10.22158/rem.v6n1p72




pp.jpgTari.jpegid.jpgOuedraogo, Idrissa ; Tabi, Henri Ngoa; Ondoa, Henri Atangana (2021):" Effets de la qualité des institutions sur l’éducation en Afrique", African Development review / Revue Africaine de Développement https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-8268.12480


Dr Ramde.jpg id.jpgid.jpgLo, Serigne Bassirou; Ramdé, Fousséni; Diandy, Idrissa Yaya (2020): "  Natural Resources, Financialization and Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence in a Global Sample" Journal of Applied Business and Economics, Vol 22 No 8DOI: https://doi.org/10.33423/jabe.v22i8.3274


jiya-cameroun.jpgpp.jpgAlex NesterJiyaa,  Sama, Molem Christopher; Ouedraogo, Idrissa (2020): " Infrastructure, trade openness and economic transformation in Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa member countriesSocial Sciences & Humanities Open, Volume 2, Issue 1

Abel.jpg20170803_181254.jpgTRAORE, Jean Abel; OUEDRAOGO, Idrissa Mohamed (2020): " Public policies promoting the informal economy: Effects on incomes, employment and growth in Burkina Faso", Journal of Policy ModelingAvailable online 17 October 2020 In Press, Journal Pre-proof


Dr-zidouemba.jpgDr_KINDA.jpgIMG_9752.JPG ZidouembaPatrice R ; KindaRomuald S; OuedraogoIdrissa M  (2020): "  Could Covid-19 Worsen Food Insecurity in Burkina Faso?"The European Journal of Development Research, https://doi.org/10.1057/s41287-020-00324-6


dr_ky.png sauviat.jpg KY, Serge Stéphane; RUGEMINTWARIClovis; SAUVIAT, Alain (2020): " Friends or Foes? Mobile money interaction with formal and informal financeTelecommunications PolicyVolume 45, Issue 1, February 2021, 102057, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.telpol.2020.102057

Pr_maiga.jpgPORGO.jpgPam_zahonogo.jpgMaïga, W. H. Eugenie; Porgo, Mohamed; Zahonogo, Pam; Amegnaglo, Cocou Jaurès; Coulibaly, Doubahan Adeline ; Flynn, Justin; Seogo, Windinkonté; Traoré, Salimata; Kelly, Julia A.; Chimwaza, Gracian (2020) " A systematic review of employment outcomes from youth skills training programmes in agriculture in low- and middle-income countries" Nature FOOD, https://doi.org/10.1038/s43016-020-00172-x

Dr_KINDA.jpgDr-zidouemba.jpgIMG_9752.JPG KindaRomuald S; ZidouembaPatrice R ; OuedraogoIdrissa M  (2020): " How could the covid-19 pandemic impact the economy of Burkina Faso?" Economics Bulletin, Volume 40, Issue 3, pages 2034-2046

IMG_8362.JPGNikiema-adama.jpgNoufé, Tiatité Nikiema, Adama  & Konkobo, Hamidou  (2020): "  10 Evaluation of the Impact of Crop Rotation on Maize Yields in Burkina Faso" in African Management, Pages: 211–224, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110629026-010




TRAORE, Ousmane (2020), " Economic Growth and Human Capital Accumulation across Countries: Evidence from WAEMU Region". Int Adv Econ Res (2020).  https://doi.org/10.1007/s11294-020-09782-4



KEBRE, W. J. M. (2020), " Does Foreign Aid Promote Financial Development in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)?" Research in Economics and Management,  Vol 5, No 2 (2020), DOI: https://doi.org/10.22158/rem.v5n2p39


0.jpegDr_SAWADOGO_r.jpgHamidou SAWADOGO.jpg
Ouédraogo, Rasmané  & Sawadogo, Relwendé & Sawadogo, Hamidou (2020)" Private and public investment in sub-Saharan Africa: The role of instability risks", Economic SystemsIn press, journal pre-proof, Available online 15 May 2020, Article 100787


NOUFE, Tiatité (2020):  Agricultural productivity and poverty of agricultural households in Burkina Faso

African Journal of Economic and Sustainable Development, Vol.7 No.4, pp.287 - 306, DOI: 10.1504/AJESD.2020.106819



SAWADOGO, Relwendé (2020): The relationship between insurance and banking sectors in Sub-Saharan African: Does globalization matter?,  Economic Change and Restructuring, DOI: 10.1007/s10644-020-09277-6


DIALLO, Ibrahima
(2020),  Heterogeneity of Debt Policies of WAEMU Countries: Convergence or Disparity of Economies,  Modern Economy Vol.11 No.2, February 2020DOI: 10.4236/me.2020.112037 



SIRY, Abdoulaye  (2019): " Résilience des banques aux chocs exogènes dans l’Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine" Revue Economique et Monétaire, No 26, pp. 34-80, décembre 2019, BCEAO


0.jpegHamidou SAWADOGO.jpgDr_SAWADOGO_r.jpg
Ouédraogo, Rasmané  & Sawadogo, Hamidou & Sawadogo, Relwendé , 2019. " Impact of Public Investment on Private Investment in Sub‐Saharan Africa: Crowding In or Crowding Out?," African Development Review, African Development Bank, vol. 31(3), pages 318-334, September.

KAFIMBOU, Bagassé Hervé  (2019): " The Conflict between the Pursuit of Integrity and Performance in Public Procurement
Theoretical Economics Letters, 2019, 9, 1284-1298


KEBRE J. M. W (2019): Can One Promote a Delegation of the Bilateral Aid to Multilateral Donors to Improve Foreign Aid Effect on Economic Growth in ECOWAS (Note 1) Countries
Advances in Politics and Economics, Vol 2, No 1 (2019) 



NOUFE, Tiatité et al. (2019):  Economic Performance of Soil and Water Conservation Practices in Burkina FasoResearch in Agriculture, DOI: https://doi.org/10.22158/ra.v4n1p38


KEBRE J. M. W. et OUEDRAOGO I. M. (2018): "Does Aid Undermine The Mobilization Of Domestic Resources?", American International Journal of Business Management (AIJBM), ISSN- 2379-106X,www.aijbm.com Volume 1, Issue 4 (November- 2018), PP 05-15


ZALLE O. (2018):"Natural resources and economic growth in Africa: The role of institutional quality and human capital
Resources Policy, Available online 28 November 2018 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resourpol.2018.11.009


Inoussa TRAORE.jpgIdrissa kabore.jpgDr_roukiatou_nikiema.jpg
TRAORE, I., KABORE, I., & NIKIEMA, R. (2018): Energy Efficiency in Burkina Faso: An Analysis of the Determinants of Enterprises’ Acceptance
The ECOWAS Sustainable Energy Journal (ESEJ), pp. 31-53.


Dr Ramde.jpg
 MODELE NON LINEAIRERevu Economique et Monétaire, N° 23 - JUIN 2018, pp 33-58


Dr_SAWADOGO_r.jpgguerineau.png20170803_181254.jpgSawadogo, R.Guérineau, S., Ouedraogo, M. I. (2018): " Investissement direct étranger et assurance dans les pays en développement : au-delà de l’effet de revenu",  Revue d’économie du développement, De Boeck Université, vol. 26 (4), pages 69-97.


SAWADOGO R., Guerineau S.  et OUEDRAOGO I. M. (2018):
 Life insurance development and economic growth: Evidence from developing countries,  Journal of Economic Development, Volume 43, Number 2, June 2018



SAWADOGO R. (2018): Insurance development and international trade in developing countries, The International Trade Journal, DOI: 10.1080/08853908.2018.1503574



DIALGA, I. (2018) "A Sustainability Index of Mining Countries" Journal of Cleaner Production Volume 179, 1 April 2018, Pages 278-291 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.12.185



DIALGA, I. (2018) " Changing Africa’s impoverishing economic model : towards a rewarding sustainable specialization model with a new factor of production" African Review of Economics and Finance,  Volume 10 Number 1, Jun 2018, p. 274 - 301



DIALGA, I, Thomas Vallée (2018): " The index of economic freedom: methodological matters"

Studies in Economics and Finance ISSN1086-7376, Publication date: 26 July 2018


(2018): " Capital humain et efficacité technique dans le secteur agricole burkinabé"Les Cahiers de l’Association Tiers-Monde n°33-2018 



DIALGA, I and Giang, Thi Le Hang (2017) " Highlighting Methodological Limitations in the Steps of Composite Indicators Construction" Soc Indic Res (2017) 131: 441.  https://doi.org/10.1007/s11205-016-1263-z


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Research in Agriculture


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NB: Cette liste n'est pas exhaustive et est regulièrement mise à jour



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Livre de NUBUKPO, Kako, TINEL, B., BELINGA, M.-Z., et DEMBELE, D. M. (2016). Sortir l'Afrique de la servitude monétaire : A qui profite le franc CFA ? La Dispute.


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Livre de DIARRA, M. (2015). La politique Budgétaire dans les pays de l'UEMOA. Editions Universitaires Européennes.


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Livre de NUBUKPO, Kako. (2011). L'improvisation économique en Afrique de l'Ouest: du Coton au FCFA. Paris: Karthala.


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